
Ring Orientation and Pith Position

iFace is an advanced color scanning system for board face scanning. Faces of boards are scanned and the correct board orientation is determined. Annual ring pattern is recognized and pith position identified. AI technology and many other proprietary machine vison algorithms provide for accurate detection and measurements. The machine communicates with manufacturing mechanization to flip the boards when required. Rules for flipping the boards can be set by operators or pre-set to work in accordance with standards. Scanner is usually used in combination with iCurve scanner.
iFace brochure
iFace 2

AI for Positioning and Detection

Color scanning combined with AI technology and machine vision algorithms ensure accurate ring orientation detection. Based on annual ring identification, pith position is predicted and boards are flipped when required.
AI powered detection
Speed more than 250 boards/min
<0.1 mm scanning accuracy
Variety of possible board dimensions

Face Scanning

Each board face is scanned for flipping purposes. Annual rings are accurately detected, while every lamella is virtually positioned to a place in the log. At the same time pith is recognized, providing impeccable position inspection. For finger jointing or other gluing applications, orientation of the board is important for end product quality. Yield and overall production performance are increased.
Face Scanning


Use Cases





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